Wednesday, August 12, 2009

(in)couragement for the moment

I will admit, I am not a domestic diva. As a single gal, it becomes easy to put off the cleaning of my house because it is just me here. This weekend I decided that it was time to tackle the dreaded bathroom. I know you are probably thinking, wait a minute, this was supposed to be about what encourages you, and you are right it is. But trust me, it will all make sense.

As I was cleaning the bathroom on Sunday afternoon, it seemed that every time I turned around there was another mess to be cleaned up. I spent a lot of time scrubbing the shower only to turn around and notice all the dust bunnies behind the toilet. I had to pay attention to the details, the nooks and crannies of my space. It required getting down in the muck, into the mess in order for it to get clean. It was hard work. Not fun work. But the end result was a super clean bathroom.

This is what encourages me. The bathroom seemed overwhelming when I was in the middle of it. Life can feel that way too, busy and messy and sometimes a little scary. But God is willing to get dirty with us and do the hard work to help us become what He wants us to be. This brings me great hope and encouragement that the work is worth it. I tend to get so caught up in all the ways that I have messed up or how inadequate I am, but the hope comes in a God that looks past that and sees the final product. And along the way He fills our lives with countless other ways that we are encouraged on the way.

So from now on that task of cleaning the bathroom that seems so daunting will be a gentle reminder of the promise that has been made to me and you too!

Need a little more (in)couragement...check out the new blog (in)courage.

encouraged in this moment...