Monday, October 12, 2009

The Miracle Combo

Let me start with this disclaimer: The contents below are less than desirable and somtimes a little gross. Stick with me here as I promise to make it all better in the end!

Let's face it. With the fall and winter months comes dry, itchy skin. If you're like me, wearing long sleeves gives you rough, scratchy elbows and wearing sock and shoes all the time gives you dry, cracked heels. I inherited the lovely genes of my mom and her sisters which means my feet reach an all new level of pain each winter. (See, told it wouldn't be pretty!) We've all tried exfoliating brushes, foot soaks, fancy socks, lotion after lotion and even the nationally acclaimed PedEgg. And yeah, they usually work...a little. But nothing ever seems to give the results that we really want. You know, the soft as a baby's tooshie feet.

Well, thanks to some lady on Oprah, and a gentle reminder from my sister-in-law, I've found the miracle combo. Drumroll, please....

That's right, people, Stridex Pads and Vaseline Lotion. Something about the salacylic acid in the Stridex pads causes the dead, gross skin to break down and go away. The lotion just helps to moisturize. I've found that the more intensely moisturizing the lotion is, the better. And if it says something about several hours of hydration, that's a good thing too. So, forget the PedEggs and fancy exfoliating tools. Head out to Wal-Mart and pick up these 2 items. For just a few dollars (you'll probably spend less than 5 bucks) you, too, can have smoth feet, Simple Girl style :)

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