Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Meet Kirsten!

I'm taking a break from Christmas wrapping and baking today to introduce you to one of my very best friends, Kirsten. She and her husband, Carlos, moved to NC a few years ago. We met them through our LifeGroup and she and I became instant soul sisters! We've enjoyed walking with them through a couple of moves (thankfully they're still only a short drive away!), a couple of kids and all kinds of good times! One of my favorite facts about them is that they share our anniversary...not from different years either. We were all married on the exact same day-August, 7th, 2004!! We've got a few more hours experience in the marriage department, but they are constant reminders of what committment to one another looks like!

Kirsten, has joined the blogging world with an awesome blog called Magnificent Mom Moments. She's got great ideas for everyday life with wee ones running around and even has some good ideas for those of us who don't have little ones. So, go on over and check it out! Tell her we sent you!


Scroll down for the Christmas Tour of Homes!