Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mailbox Mayhem?

*Welcome, all those popping over from We are That Family and "Works for Me Wednesday." Glad to have you here at Three Simple Girls!

It's barely past the official start of the New Year, right? Anyone else still feeling the need to solve some of the little problems that add up to big fat messes?

Hope so!

This would be why me and my $20 shelving unit are pretty tight right now. Because with visions of my three, three and under in a few short months a person has to get it all together.

Or something. :)

I placed the unit right in the corner of our mudroom where we enter and exit the house. My goal is to sort on my way in, and shred/toss/file at the end of each week... or month, if I'm being realistic.

I'm a terrible liar.

The thing will probably get emptied when the baskets are full. The point is... they will be empty at some point in their lives. The convenient containers make it easy to transport what I need to get the job done. And the whole thing doesn't take up much room at all, which is a bonus indeed.

Our labels read:
*Stamps, Etc.
*To Be Filed
*Addresses and Envelopes

Works for me...

Hopefully so! :)


ps... Sorry about the last post going MIA. Ick! :( Since there's not time to recreate it, here are the links.

*Meal/Grocery Planning:

*Trail Mix-Ins:

*Healthy Muffin Recipes:

*Smoothie Ideas:

*BPA-Free Lunch Containers: