Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eastery Goodness

Poor laptop of mine has a mild case of springtime allergies, or so I hope. Until I can get her fixed, things will sadly be without many pictures. A terrible tragedy considering the cutie, patootie shots of Spring and Easter that could accompany this post!

Nonetheless, here is some Eastery goodness before Sunday gets here...

**A neighbor first introduced us to Empty Tomb Cookies. Much like the Resurrection Eggs in the post below, this is a beautifully visible and tangible way to share the arisen message. I can only hope your kiddos have as much fun pounding the nuts and enjoying the fruits of their labor the next day!

**Some of my favorite Easter books for the younger children include:

I do the devotion just before the cousins' big egg hunt. This year my husband and I decided to give each family a copy of an all time favorite children's Bible.

The writing style, the connections, the way it speaks to us all... young or old. I just love it, and I know your family will too!

**And, of course, there is the joy of those wicker pink baskets. We couldn't get away without doing an Easter bunny inside if we tried, thanks to a book my oldest read at the library (I had to break the news, though, that unlike the book hers would likely NOT be life-sized- ha!) As for their plastic eggs, however, I'm filling those babies with "candy" my girls love... raisins, cranberries, granola, and fruit chews. Don't worry, I'm all about holiday treats, but my extended family loves to spoil with our sadly seldom visits... Easter night tummy aches don't really add to the fun! :)

I also love to add little odds and ends like books, bunny t-shirts, stickers, spring colored markers, Jesus puzzles, sidewalk chalk in bunny and egg shapes, etc... all of these items picked up on last year's clearance or on sale this year. A few dollars and bit of hunting can go a long way and still leave room for the rich foods seven great-aunts and a slew of second cousins will prepare.

Oh and as for the grass... grab some favorite scrapbook paper that fits your basket and run it through a paper shredder. Free and so sweet to nestle those goodies down inside.

I better get to packing. If you have any Easter traditions, tips, or a fabulous post you've written or run across... please share!

Hope your weekend is blessed!