Monday, April 12, 2010

For the Bride and Groom

Sorry for the crickets chirping 'round here in the last weeks... between travels, Easter, and life there hasn't seemed to be much extra time in these sunshine-filled spring days!

Good news is that one of our travels brought the three of us together, along with four of our other beloved college friends, for an annual girls' weekend. In the days ahead, we'll be sure to download our photos and share some of the creative ways we try to love and encourage one another during those all too short weekend get-a-ways!

Some of my own personal travels took me back to my hometown where I had the privilege of helping throw my brother and his fiance a wedding shower. It was a co-ed affair for a fairly modern and easy to please couple, so we had a lot of fun with the theme of "His... Hers... Theirs."

The invites, which sadly I have no pics of, were printed with a light argyle print in the background. Over top of that were pink and blue towels monogrammed in brown with their initials.

The monograms continued at the shower as I took chipboard letters from the Hob Lob and modgepodged coordinating papers right on top. I snagged the silver frames, our accent color along with white, right off my guest room walls.
The main table itself was broken up into his and hers sections... blue and brown for my bro and pink and brown for his bride. The groom's side of the table hosted meatballs, ham biscuits, spinach dip with a variety of chips, crackers, etc. Her side was a little more feminine with petite veggies and fruits along with homemade dips. Since my mom prepared most of this food, I feel no shame in admitting... it was to die for! :) The fabric was bought on sale from the Hob Lob as well.

The cake table pulled in the "theirs" element with one of my favorite wedding verses.

There were six square tables for seating so we simply printed out pics from their engagement night and mounted them on more paper inside way affordable frames from Ikea (like four frames for a buck!) They were indeed cheap, but not super sturdy, so I borrowed a few blooms in tiny vases for extra support. A tiny brown tealight gave each table a bit more elegance. The fabric for these tables was unexpectedly needed, but we went easy with just a bit more paper. Time simply ran out on us!
On the way out, guests were invited to share love and encouragement with the new couple in a blessing book. Favors were pink and brown specialty M&M's (also found on clearance- yay!) along with other brown and white candies tied with coordinating ribbons from-- you guessed it-- the Hob Lob.

Oh, Hob Lob... how we love thee.

I loved that it was a drop-in shower since it brought together lots of phases from my brother's life. People really seemed to be able to eat, chat, and linger at their own pace. And the whole thing made me realize that he is really getting married!

I'm so excited, but really... where did all the years go, you know?

Now, on to the wedding! :)