Monday, September 6, 2010

Home Office: Budget Breakdown

If you read this post, you know that the budget for our office project wasn't all that hefty. After all, we weren't planning to do any major renovations, but needed to take it from college days catch all room to classy home office. I had planned to spend around $100, but I'm here to tell you that we came in FOURTEEN DOLLARS UNDER BUDGET! And just in case you're not all that awesome at math, that means it only cost $86 to take it from this...

to this...

One of my favorite shows on HGTV is "Design Remix". It's an older show and only the reruns are airing now, but I still love it. The concept is that they can redo any room for $50 and some paint. They "shop" in the clients home and use as much of their own stuff as they can to complete the space. I definitely used that concept in our office. As a matter of fact, there are very few brand new things in here now. Several things got face lifts and lots of things were brought in from other rooms of the house. I'll be posting about some of those projects and things soon.

So, here's the breakdown of how we spent the moo-lah along with some pictures of 2 of my favorite projects...

I got the shutters from the Habitat for Humanity Home Store. They were UGLY brown, but I had a vision :) They weren't marked with a price, so I asked a worker there what they would cost. He tilted his head to the side and said "How about $2?" I said "SOLD!"...and then I got home and could have kicked myself for not getting the other 12 ugly brown shutters.

The curtain rod came from Wal-Mart for a big $8. I used a black flat sheet ($3), again from Wal-Mart, to make the panel for the curtain. I topped it off with a $3 spool of ribbon for my new favorite window in the whole house :)

I just LOVE this little lamp! I found the base at a local boutique for $3 and the shade at Roses for $3. The boring white shade needed a little "umph" so after trying a few different ideas, I resorted to tying some knots out of ribbon I already had on hand and immediately loved it!

I spent about $18 on other decorative things (trash can, frames for the wall, file holders, etc).

I thought the paint was going to crush our budget. The old walls were a dark blue and I was afraid that between primer and multiple coats of paint, we'd be in trouble. Well, I was able to find primer a bucket of primer on clearance which was a huge help! Between the primer, paint, spray paint and a few brushes and supplies that we didn't already have on hand, I only spent about $46!!

That brings the grand total for $86. That's a price I can live with :)

Details on all the little details coming soon! See you then!


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