Our goal with this blog is to offer up creative and practical ways to make life a little more simple...and this first tip is just about as easy as it gets!
Women are notoriously known for carrying everything but the kitchen sink in their handbags. I mean, don't we all think But, I'm sure that I'll NEED that journal...or roll of tape...or pet medicine...or entire collection of Sharpie markers. And then what happens when it's time to change handbags? What should be so simple turns into a 47 step process of transferring stuff. Yeah, it happens to the best of us, and then we spend a fortune on massage therapy and chirporactors and handbags with neato compartments all because we HAD to take these things with us.
My friends, I've found a solution and it really seems to work! Let's say, for example, that you're getting ready to move. It obviously makes more sense to load 10 items into a box and transport them all at once, as opposed to carrying 10 smaller items one at a time. Right? Well, we're going to apply the same concept here.
First of all, you have to commit to simplicity in your handbag. If that means you carry a smaller bag (as to keep you from completely filling a larger one) then by all means, do it!
Next, you have to commit to cleaning out your handbag on a regular basis. Maybe set a goal to clean it out on Sunday afternoons or everytime you switch to a new bag. Do whatever works best for you.
I dumped out my bag this morning and here's what I found:
Wallet, Recipts, Checkbook, Chapstick, Lotion, Anti-Bac Hand Gel, Tide-to-Go, Lip Gloss, Hair Tie & Bobby Pins, Nail Clippers, Mints, a Notepad, Pen, Gum, Compact Mirror, Small Container for Advil and Sunglasses (and normally I'd have keys and a cell phone too, but they were located elsewhere)
And here's where the magic comes in! I found a small cosmetic bag to use. (I actually won it in a giveaway from this site. Isn't it adorable?!) All those little things, go into the bag. Very complex solution, huh? Then, I put all the receipts in my wallet. I ALWAYS try to remember to put receipts directly in my wallet when I receive them at the store. This step alone can keep you from mass chaos.
Women are notoriously known for carrying everything but the kitchen sink in their handbags. I mean, don't we all think But, I'm sure that I'll NEED that journal...or roll of tape...or pet medicine...or entire collection of Sharpie markers. And then what happens when it's time to change handbags? What should be so simple turns into a 47 step process of transferring stuff. Yeah, it happens to the best of us, and then we spend a fortune on massage therapy and chirporactors and handbags with neato compartments all because we HAD to take these things with us.
My friends, I've found a solution and it really seems to work! Let's say, for example, that you're getting ready to move. It obviously makes more sense to load 10 items into a box and transport them all at once, as opposed to carrying 10 smaller items one at a time. Right? Well, we're going to apply the same concept here.
First of all, you have to commit to simplicity in your handbag. If that means you carry a smaller bag (as to keep you from completely filling a larger one) then by all means, do it!
Next, you have to commit to cleaning out your handbag on a regular basis. Maybe set a goal to clean it out on Sunday afternoons or everytime you switch to a new bag. Do whatever works best for you.
I dumped out my bag this morning and here's what I found:
Wallet, Recipts, Checkbook, Chapstick, Lotion, Anti-Bac Hand Gel, Tide-to-Go, Lip Gloss, Hair Tie & Bobby Pins, Nail Clippers, Mints, a Notepad, Pen, Gum, Compact Mirror, Small Container for Advil and Sunglasses (and normally I'd have keys and a cell phone too, but they were located elsewhere)
And here's where the magic comes in! I found a small cosmetic bag to use. (I actually won it in a giveaway from this site. Isn't it adorable?!) All those little things, go into the bag. Very complex solution, huh? Then, I put all the receipts in my wallet. I ALWAYS try to remember to put receipts directly in my wallet when I receive them at the store. This step alone can keep you from mass chaos.
And that big pile of randomness turns into this...
I now only have to transfer six things to my new bag when I'm ready!! And when I need my chapstick while driving down the road, I open the bag and there it is! No more pilfering through the deep dark pit of a handbag while running several other cars off the road...not that that's ever happened or anything :)
And it all looks nice and neat in my bag!
Do you have any handbag organization tips or tricks? Feel free to share them with us! Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to leave a comment and let us know you were here!